Easy Tips to Overcome Sunburned Skin at Home

Sunburn or commonly known as sunburn is a condition caused by excessive UV light exposure. This condition makes the skin damaged, such as itching, feeling warm, reddish, and painful. In addition, strong, recurrent sunburn can be a risk factor for skin cancer. This condition can cause the skin to peel off after a few days and then improve and heal after one week. So as not to drag on, overcome the problem of sunburned skin by using materials available at home as below. Cold Towel The first thing you can do at home to deal with sunburn is to compress the area using a cold towel. Soak with Natural Ingredients In addition to using cold towels, you can also soak with some natural ingredients that you can find at home. For example bathing with oatmeal mixture to reduce itching on burning skin. Bathing with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water to restore the skin's pH balance and speed healing. Meanwhile, to eliminate redness and irritation, you can soak with a mixture...